Sunday, January 1, 2017


Ask a guitar player as to which strings they prefer-and get ready for a "cornucopia" of responses.

It's quite a subjective discussion and there is a myriad of choices out there in the sales racks.

The point is...are you selecting the best strings for your GUITAR...or for your personal liking...or both?

"Both" is the correct answer. Here's a few helpful facts you may enjoy.

As a luthier / player and  full service shop, I see a lot of guitars and at least 25-30% come in with strings that, in my opinion, are not exactly the best choice available...especially on acoustics. So let's start with acoustics, where there is a tad more discipline involved.  Acoustic guitars mandate a particular gauge of string, simply based on the design, configuration, style and construction of the guitar. The physics and design of quality acoustic guitars is an intricate craft and it is a serious business to achieve optimum performance for a fine instrument. Choice of woods, tolerances, bracing and design all play an integral part and the strings must be the gauge recommended by the maker. Although I myself am a "non conforming, free spirit", I have learned to be respectful of this rule.

My findings are that many acoustic players change to lighter gauge for ease and comfort, most times delighted with the ability to "push them around a bit more" and use more vibrato. I am guilty of that too. In those old days, I didn't pay much attention to any nuances or differences but here's what I eventually noted:
The nut of the guitar is slotted. Those slots were cut to match the gauge of strings specified...say mediums. Lighter gauge strings then would have
a tad more "freeplay" within the slots which comprimises intonation, harmonics, vibration and sustain.
Always contact the guitar maker and get string specs or google info and check chatrooms or blogs. As an authorized Taylor Service Center, we have a complete set of specs for every model and can also provide specs for many other notable guitar makers. It's always good to experiment with other
strings but keep in mind the ramifications. String tension changes will effect dynamics and usually require a truss rod adjustment, so learn what works best for your guitar.

Some players conversely put medium strings on smaller bodied guitars that require lights, expecting more volume. In most cases it does not provide any
increase in volume and if anything, will increase neck relief in which case they would have to tighten truss rod to adjust tension. The concern here is pulling up the bridgeplate and swelling the guitar top.

The other consideration is of course player style. I play fingerstyle but I also play hard so i pound, palm mute, chunk and pluck. I switched from light to light/heavy. I go through strings a bit more often than my buddies but I'm happy. But let's say your a fingerstyle player with a light touch. You may like something with medium bass side and extra light top. Also, open tunings will require more hybrid sets so you need to find that perfect combo.
Today, because of the technology and breakthroughs in string production, there is a wonderful array of hybrid mixtures. Find out also what material choices may work best for you. Nickel plated, Phosphor bronze, etc. It will help you establish "your sound and tone".

When you do wish to try different gauge strings, I suggest recording some of your music with the current strings, then change to the new set and give them some time to stretch...and record the new set. Make some notes. Play with and without effects ( clean ). You will be able to compare the nuances and find the right string choice and, life will be good.

As far as solid and semi-solid body guitars...there's more "frontier" out there...color, gauge, composition...and it relates more directly to what style
is played...heavy metal, jazz, blues, rockabilly, alternative and every other genre. Less risk here... and whether you shred, sweep, fingerpick, or strum, the choices are almost endless. Guitars and bass guitars today can be setup for just about any playing style and accommodate a wider selection of strings.

As a closing note, here at BornAgainGuitars, we often get guitars in that have "dead" I mean "dead" strings, basically corroded and rusty. It's not uncommon when someone is an occasional player, to put a guitar away without wiping off both the guitar and the strings. Not good! The strings have both moisture ( natural acids ) and dead skin on them, it also transfers to the neck and collects near the base of the frets. Try to get into the habit of wiping down the strings and the guitar after playing. This will help you get optimum service of the strings and the guitar will play much smoother. Make sure the guitar is not stored where there are any extreme temperature changes. Controlled humidity is essential to "Guitar Health" Try to keep humidity to between 50-55% RH.

So there's a couple of helpful hints my friends, enjoy the music and go find that "right string" and do your's all good.

...and  STAY TUNED!!!



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